Course Information: Painting 1  (18189)

Required Materials:   Supplies Needed for this Course: No text book is required. Pencils, Fine Point Permanent Markers,Pencil Eraser, Ruler, Sharpener, Paint Palette, Drawing Paper or a Drawing Pad, Acrylic Paint Brushes (various sizes and tips), Canvases (your choice of sizes), Acrylic Paints (Primary Colors, plus black & white), 2 large zip lock bags for storage, Water container(s), Apron or Smock, & Cleaning Rags.
Technical Requirements:   Requirements & Performance: 1. Painting is time consuming and requires a great deal of concentration, therefore No Cell Phone use are allowed in class. Cell phones MUST be turned off, or put on vibrate, and put away out of sight at all times students are in the Art room. If it’s an emergency, please take the call outside briefly. 2. Students are asked to assist in helping to keep the classroom clean and secure their supplies. 3. Students are responsible for their own supplies at all times, and have them labeled accordingly. 4. A designated space will be assigned to secure student’s supplies in the classroom. 5. All assignments must be done and completed in Art class. Sketches can be done at home and transferred to Canvases at the classroom. Approximately no less than 5 paintings are required to pass the class. 6. Disrespectful behavior towards the professor or a fellow student is a violation of school’s policy. Student(s) can and will be escorted out of the classroom by Campus Security if the student is in violation of the School’s policies, and if the professor feels threatened by the student. 7. Attendance will be taken every class session to monitor repeated abuse of time management. Attendance can affect overall grade, due to tardiness, absenteeism, unexcused absents will contribute to incompletion of work. Make up time will not be the professor’s responsibility to accommodate students. 8. Students not abiding by the following things will affect the student’s overall grade point average. Not following class rules and policies, not following the topics of assignments, not providing a description to the assignments, not participating at a mandatory exhibition, not providing a written overview of the course, poor attendance and incomplete work. 9. Grades will also be based on an overall evaluation of student’s performance, their level of competency in painting, development of skills, knowledge and techniques learned, Art terms introduced and applied, portfolio review of all work completed in class, exhibition participation, and a written overview essay of the student’s experience in this course. Students who do not attend the Mandatory Exhibition will receive 10 points off of your overall averaged grade earned out of 100 points. There will be no make ups for not attending or participating at the exhibition. 10. Transportation to attend Mandatory Art Exhibition(s) will be the student’s responsibility. 11. Please dress appropriately at all times to class, and off campus as well when representing U.V.I. Elizabeth M. Creque-Cruse, Part-Time Instructor Spring Semester 2020 Syllabus Pg. 3 ART ASSIGNMENTS 1. “All About Me”. This assignment pertains to “the student.” Students will paint an image(s) on canvas that describes him/herself. The image should describe their character, personality, interest(s), Art style(s), and expressions should be displayed in this assignment. A description of the work expressed is required with the student’s completed work. Projected Dates: _____________________ 2. “Celebrate Life”. This assignment pertains to expressing and showing happiness, festivity, joyfulness, love and affection. It can also express hope, growth, positive goals and aspirations, encouragement of moving forward, being strong and courageous, nurturing and the value of life. A description of the work expressed is required with the student’s completed work. Projected Dates: ________________________ 3. “UVI Charter Day”. This assignment pertains to the recognition and celebration of UVI Charter Day. It must be an image(s) expressing the various characteristics, qualities, & its history. What does this institution have to offer? How has it changed over the years from CVI to UVI? Why is Charter Day considered to be such a special day for UVI? A description of the work expressed is required with the student’s completed work. Projected Dates: _______________________ 4. “The Mix”. This assignment pertains to expanding and exploring students Artistic Expressions and Artistic Skills, by combining various mediums and materials to create student’s Artwork. Some of the mediums students can apply and combined with their paintings on canvas are the following: Paper, cloth, shells, beads, glass, aluminum, buttons, old coins, metals, rope, yarn, string, felt, feathers, plastic, feathers, sand, foam, clay, cardboard, wood, glue, etc.. Be creative! A description of the work expressed is required with the student’s completed work. Projected Dates: ______________________ 5. “The V.I. So Nice”. This assignment pertains to the students’ perception about our “Indigenous People”, and our “Virgin Island’s Culture”. The painting must depict our local way of life. Example: Our Carnival, Tourism, Marine/ Water Sports, Market Square, Historical Sights, Architecture, Customs, Traditions, History, Scenery, Government, School, Music, People, Foods, Season, Weather, Agriculture, Houses, Uniqueness, Specialties, and Differences. A description of the work expressed is required with the student’s completed work. Projected Dates:_______________________ Grading System: 1. The student’s Artwork is clean & neat. 4pts. 2. The student’s work is colorful, expressive and creative. 4pts. 3. The work is well thought out, organized & executed. 5pts. 4. The work shows an understanding of the concepts or topic(s) being depicted. 4pts. ………………………………………………………………… 17pts x 5 = 85pts 5. The description of the Artwork is appropriate to the topic(s) being depicted or expressed. (1pt x5)=5pts. 6. The student participation in Mandatory Art Exhibition. 10pts. 7. Student’s attendance in class. (x3 Absences) -1pts. Total Points/ Grade for Project: 100 points Additional Comments: _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ 1= Poor (F) - (Failing) - Inappropriate work, appears incomplete and not competent, topic(s) and description of Artwork is incomprehensible and not correctly expressed. (0 – 59) 2= Needs Improvement (D, D+) - (Boarder line for failure) - Still not working competently, appears incomplete, the topic(s) and description of Artwork incomprehensible. (60 -69) 3= Average (C-, C+) – (Moderate Skills) - Needs to sharpen skills more but competent, appears complete, minimum execution of the topic(s) and description of Artwork, comprehensible. (70- 79) 4= Good (B-, B+) – (Grasped the Concept) - Shows above average skills, appropriate, appears complete, topic(s) and description of Artwork executed correctly, comprehensible. (80-89) 5= Excellent (A-, A+) – (Advanced Skills) - Artistry well developed, the topic(s) and description of Artwork have been fully executed, well-expressed, and comprehensible. (90-100)

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